The independent institute for outstanding energy efficiency in buildings
“A Passivhaus is a building in which thermal comfort can be achieved solely by post-heating or post-cooling the fresh air flow required for a good indoor air quality, without the need for additional recirculation of air.” – Passivhaus Institut (PHI)
Why Passivhaus?
The Passive House (Passivhaus) concept was born in Germany. New builds can achieve a 75% reduction in space heating requirements, compared to standard practice. The Passivhaus standard moves in the right direction of achieving 80% carbon reductions that is the legislative target for the UK Government.
We can also achieve similar savings in space heating requirements for retrofit projects
Passivhaus certification provides a rigorous quality assurance process verified via independent testing. Certification is available for buildings, specific components, Designers/ Consultants & Tradespeople.

Our Director, Rick, is currently undergoing training to be Certified as a Passivhaus Tradesperson, which will include study in;
- Theory of Passivhaus
- Construction techniques – insulation, glazing, airtightness, thermal bridging and ventilation
- How to ensure site quality